Final Fantasy (GBA)

Complet0rated! Sadly, after twenty-odd hours of gameplay, I missed the closing bit of story / cutscene because I had to carry out taxi duties :-/ Still, there’s another couple of bloggees who are currently playing through it, so I’m sure one of them will fill me in.

In the end, the final boss was more down to endurance than anything else. There was no need for fancy spells – just constant healing and constant attack with non-magical weapons – and he’s own0red.

And the beauty of the things is, Final Fantasy II is also on the cart! Hooray! Final gametime was about 25 hours – completed with 999,999 Gil, all chars with 999 health. Anyhoo, there’s four or five places I know I haven’t fully explored yet, so I think I’m going to have a dig around. It’ll mean killing that pest of a boss again, but never mind 🙂

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