
ZangbandI had a fairly extensive Angband addiction for more years than I care to remember and I’ve inadvertently stumbled onto it again. And it’s just as evil and unforgiving as it ever was, but also just as ACE. It never ceases to amaze me how much depth and complexity can lie beneath the surface of a character-based interface, but I swear to God those “r” signs were laughing at me as they chased me back up the stairs after I’d stupidly wandered down to level 3 when my character was only level 3.

For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, Zangband is a modification of Angband which is a roguelike game. It’s available on most platforms, so if you’re prepared to spend a wee bit of time reading the text files and learning the buttons, it’s well worthwhile giving it a look. Provided your games don’t need to have pixel shaders and directX 9c support, that is.

Postscript: See that little “r” at the very top of the map? Well, that’s a giant white mouse. What you can’t see, though, are the other 8723646 giant white mouse that were just outwith my line of sight. I was dead within three minutes of that screenshot being taken. Life is harsh in Zangband.

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