
Kookaburras. Bane of my life. It would be less annoying if they didn’t sound so damned funny. Yeah, they wake us up every day, but they wake you up laughing so you can’t really complain.

Anyway, there’s a thunderstorm rattling away at the moment. The land needs it too – Australia is in its third year of drought to all and any rain is a big help. Woke up this morning with my usual fear and nervousness about being in such a completely different place. It was short-lived, though. Standing outside at 6am with a light warm rain, listening to the birds and cicadas, and watching a group of roos bouncing along the bottom of the garden really does make you believe this is the best place on Earth.

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1 comment

  • Phew!.. I thought you were going to start complaining then 😉

    We have frost on the ground here.. that’s how winter should be. Have you not seen the pictures on Christmas cards? 🙂

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