Recursive Pachydermic Snufflings

Effie the elephant isn’t so much an elephant as an elefumble.

The difficulty comes when her nasty habit becomes apparent.

Effie is known to frequent the darker and danker regions of the less salubrious airports where she indulges in her passion for luggage snuffling.

She snuffles luggage.

In a word, she snorts trunks. With her trunk.

This poses a not insignificant risk.

Should Effie ever be an unfortuphant and snuffle a trunk containing one of the minor species of pygmy pachyderms, a situation could well arise where her trunk is snuffling a trunk containing another trunk.

This sort of recursive luggage snuffling could pose a threat to the very fabric of space/time itself.

Like a malignant grey russian doll, an elephant nasally imbibing a trunk containing a smaller elephant which may itself have snorted luggage containing an unsuspected pachydermic payload could very rapidly reach a density point whereby it would begin to affect the curvature of space time around it, thereby forcing – eventually – the entire universe to pour down a gravity well.

This would not be a good thing.

Guard against luggage sniffing elephants named Effie. The universe depends on it.

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