Oh! Oh! OH!

OH! Bwaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahaha! *maniacal cackles* *snort* *snort* *snort* *snort* *snort* *snort* *snort* *snort* *snort* *snort* Oh my poor aching sides! 😀

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Dragon Age: Origins (PC)

Ok, so it’s been a while since I’ve done any kind of game diary post but that’s largely because I haven’t been playing anything except Left4Dead and Counterstrike and I don’t think any of you really want to read a post that just says ‘BOOM! Headshot!’. Then Dragon Age came along and, well, it’s a

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So you know me, you’ve seen my game diary posts. You’ve also noticed that they’ve largely stopped. This is mainly because I really haven’t been playing games. I dunno – just too many other demands on my time. I guess when you’re working full time, looking after children for half of the week, studying for

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A thought.

There comes a time, with some people, when you have to decide whether their seeming inability to understand the simplest of things is because they WON’T LISTEN or because they are actually just thick. Arrogance and stupidity are sometimes difficult to tell apart.

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Ratings in iTunes

Further to the last post on this subject, I have a new smart playlist. It’s everything with a rating of one or less despite having five or more plays. It’s called “Stuff I really don’t like.” I reckon by the time it has enough material in it to fill a DVD-R, I’m going to start

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bye bye beautiful

did you ever hear what I told you? did you ever read what I wrote you? did you ever listen to what we played? did you ever let in what the world said? did we get this far just to feel your hate? did we play to become only pawns in the game? bye bye

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Bit quiet, huh? I guess the reason for that is that there just aren’t enough hours in the day. Too many people to meet up with, too much stuff to do, too much coffee to drink, too many books to read, too much work to keep up with. And there it is.

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Poor Nelefa.org is getting a little abandoned these days. With most of my burbling being done on Facebook, there’s little point in posting here unless I have something specific to say. Except for today, of course, when I have absolutely nothing to say but am posting here anyway. Well, I SAY I have nothing to

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Another conversation with Mr Daniels

J.Daniels: Cables: I has them! J.Dow: w00t! j00 can has cabols! J.Daniels: I’m wondering if it wouldn’t be less painful to just hang myself with them. they’re quite sturdy. I think they could take it. J.Dow: Go for it. Can I have your netbook? J.Daniels: Over my dead b- oh, wait! ‘m wondering if it wouldn’t be

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