Category: The Tube

Horse Whisperer (1998)

M’okay, overbearing workaholic mum takes extremely traumatised daughter and her equally traumatised horse to see Robert Redford. Redford is, apparently, a horse whisperer and is able to settle and calm the most disturbed of beasts. Presumably, it’s the horse he’s to look after, and not the daughter. Anyway, horse is healed, daughter is healed, workaholic

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Happy Birthday is officially an adult! The domain was originally registered on this day in 1997 – 16 years ago. How time flies when you’re talking utter pish. So – as a mini-celebration, I’m going to list my favourite film of each year has been alive. 1997 – Contact 1998 – Saving Private Ryan 1999

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You never saw me. I wasn’t here.

Ok, so I don’t do this, ok? I *never* fall for quirky ads, I am no-one’s target market, and I would never ever EVER propagate viral marketing. Ok? We clear on that? But still – this is genius.  

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Pirates of the Caribbean (all three of em)

We’ve had a bit of a pirates of the caribbean weekend. All in, three cracking movies but dear god what’s with the utterly depressing ending? It’s a Disney movie for heaven’s sake! We expect HAPPY SHINY endings in our Disney movies, thankyouverymuch.

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Stardust (2007)

Mrs Gubbins and the children saw this a while back and had a good old rave about it, but I only saw it for the first time last night. And, well, it’s fantastic! It’s basically a fairytale, but for modern times (yes, that old cliche), in that it has a sense of humour, a wide

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The Horse Whisperer (1998)

M’okay, overbearing workaholic mum takes extremely traumatised daughter and her equally traumatised horse to see Robert Redford. Redford is, apparently, a horse whisperer and is able to settle and calm the most disturbed of beasts. Presumably, it’s the horse he’s to look after, and not the daughter. Anyway, horse is healed, daughter is healed, workaholic

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The Dam Busters

Well, our local soulless multiplex is doing a retro season at the moment and took it upon themselves to screen a newly restored version of The Dam Busters. As this happens to be one of my all-time favourite movies, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to go and see it on a big screen, and

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Outlaw (2007)

I think I must be getting old. This is a bleak, humourless and generally unpleasant movie with no redeeming features whatsoever. Which surprised me a lot, given the fantastic cast. Essentially, it’s the story of a group of harrassed, bullied and generally timid guys who fall in with a court-martialled ex-squaddie freshly back from Iraq

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The Day After Tommorrow

We watched this last night. We have nicknamed it the film with the wee orange tent;-) In just about every scene there it is. Watch it and you will see 😉 We really enjoyed the film although it made us feel chilled.

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12 Angry Men

I find it incredible that the Hollywood that produced masterpieces like this in the fifties is now serving up slices of badly written sequel served on a buttered shite. 12 jurors in a room, 11 guilty votes, 1 not guilty vote, and a death sentence. Either eleven men have to convince one man to take

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