Author: John

Plotting and Scheming

Currently doing preparation work for a little 4 day jolly over the forthcoming bank holiday weekend. No major distances involved, but some nice stops – particularly as the weather forecast is looking really nice. Currently, the plan is to do the first leg – Limekilns to Musselburgh – on the Friday. Musselburgh is very tidal, and

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Following his jailbreak attempt at the end of April… This cheeky little bugger is consigned to quarters until I can decide what corrective action is appropriate.

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What a busy weekend! Was out on the Forth both days – first day, a quick blast around the Limekilns area getting used to Aqua Vitae’s handling under sail. She really does go like shit off the proverbial shovel. Handling at low speed, approaching a mooring, for example, is very good. Which is just as

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In the water

Aqua Vitae is in the water at last, as of Saturday. It was an extremely busy day, with around 70 or so yachts being moved from the top of the pier into the two harbours at Capernaum Point and Brucehaven. Fortunately, there was a great turnout of club members mucking in and the whole process

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Imminent Dooking

Extremely busy week ahead in preparation for crane-in on Saturday. There’s a little bit of painting still to do above the waterline – the anti-fouling is all done now. I imagine this idyllic scene is going to look an awful lot busier on Saturday. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are going to be spent doing last

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All things move towards their end, of that you can be sure.

Sunday afternoons are perfect for those little bits of maintenance needed to get everything ready for crane in. One of the oars for my tender had a bit of a screw malfunction which was preventing the sheath for the handle fitting snugly, so a judicious bit of turning, adjusting, and finally battering with a hammer

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Hello? What’s this then?

Oh dear. I haven’t really been keeping my blog very current, have I? I guess things have been a bit strange over the last few months. I think that’s what the Chinese curse about interesting times means. It has certainly been interesting. But one door closes and another eighteen open. Sometimes you just have to

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Savoury Lorne Sausage

Well, Lorne Sausage (or square sausage, if you like) is a staple of the Scottish breakfast and it’s particularly awesome. This is my take on it, including a sage & onion mix and basic crumb coating that my local butcher used to add when I was a wean 🙂 Ingredients: 750g minced (ground) pork &

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I think this is more of an Italian-American dish that straight Italian – someone who knows will no doubt tell me. It’s similar to a Lasagne, but without the need to make two sauces. It’s cheap, it goes a long way and it’s delicious. So, here’s what’s needed. 500g hot Italian sausage (mix together 500g

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Basic Italian Sausage

This is a lightly spiced sausage meat which works great for any red meat-based Italian food (your lasagnes, bolognese and what have you) as well as for stuffing into skins if you’re so inclined. A word about the ground pork / port mince first, though; if you’re going to use a packet from the supermarket,

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