
Oh! That was unexpected! When it comes to editor wars, I’m in the vi camp. Everyone knows that. But I’m not just a UNIX geek – I’m also a writer, and I’m not masochistic enough to think that writing using vi is something done by sane, well adjusted, people.

So I tend to cop out and use OpenOffice, or Word, or some similarly bloated piece of software. But when you get down to it, I need to edit text, count words, and spell check. And that’s really about it.

Tonight, however, I came across an editor (Windows only, I’m afraid) called Q10. It’s tiny and fast. All very well. But it’s….. unique. At it’s heart, it’s really just a full screen editor. Running it gives you a black screen with an inviting looking amber cursor. An option status display at the bottom shows some live stats and the time.

Yeah, ok, so OpenOffice and Word will both do that. Neither of them are 400k and like greased lightening 🙂

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1 comment

  • Me.. notepad for quick and dirty, or Google Docs for stuff to keep.

    Open Office / Office when I must 😉

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