
I think, on the whole, August was a rather awesome and epic month. For one thing, it saw Careless Talk finally unleashed upon the world. Writing it was a bit of a roller coaster – it was started during one of the darkest periods in my life and then had to sit, half written, for an eighteen month period while I tried to put things in order. What came out of the bottom of this, though, is a bit of fiction that I’m really proud of.

August was also the month of the Grand House Hunt. At last I’ve managed to find somewhere that has been chosen rather than just being whatever is available at short notice. The Grand Move will be taking place at some point in October and between now and then there’ll no doubt be a lot of frantic running around.

After getting Careless Talk out there, I fiddled around a little with something called The Sounding and then hit a brick wall. I somehow managed to convince myself that it was because I didn’t know where it was going and opted to start working on the follow up to Careless Talk. And almost immediately hit another brick wall. The problem is, ladies and gentlemen, burn out. Careless Talk was such a deeply personal and emotional journey that it just drained my batteries. Well, I’m all recharged now so will be getting back to work – on The Sounding. At almost fifty thousand words in, I’m not sure how I managed to convince myself it wasn’t working.

So – September is a shiny new month, filled with all kinds of possibilities. I’m hoping to end it with a manuscript approaching completion.

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