An email conversation with Scottish Hydro

7th January – Me

Dear Scottish Hydro, please remove account numbers xxxx and yyyy from my online portfolio as they are not and never have been my accounts.

7th January – Scottish Hydro

Thankyou for your email. In order to close down your account you will need to provide us with the following information,

*The date you moved.
*The name of the person you handed your keys back to.
*The meter read from when you moved out and a forwarding address so we can send your final statement out.

We look forward to hearing form you in regard to your move. If you have any further queries regarding this matter please do not hesitate to contact us direct via this email.

7th January – Me

I have no idea which address these account numbers correspond to so am unable to answer your questions.

7th January – Scottish Hydro

Unfortunately I can not discuss these with you as you are not the named account holder.

We would need to talk to the account holder direct in order to sort any queries regarding these accounts.

7th January – Me

If they’re not in my name, why are they listed in my account?

7th January – Scottish Hydro

These account numbers you have provided are not linked to your address of 34,Blah de Blah Place, Surbiton, EH99 6aa.

Your account numbers are Electric – aaaa and Gas – bbbb.

7th January – Me

Yes, I realise that – which is why I asked for them to be removed! Cos I don’t know what they are or who they’re for.

28th January – Scottish Power

Thank you for using Scottish Hydro Support. If you have any further queries, please blah de blah de blah…




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