Podcast Overload

So, I’ve had a backlog of podcasts to listen to for a while now, on a wide range of different subjects. Well, thanks to roadworks on the way to work, I’ve finally caught up with them all. So, I thought, I’m going to have a wee look in the iTunes podcast directory and see if there’s a couple more I can subscribe to, just for a change.

Oh dear god.

Like the interweb, podcast land (I daresay some anal wag has already christened it ‘podosphere’ or something equally vacuous, but I’ll let ‘podcast land’ stand for now) seems to be utterly overrun with, well, drek.

It seems that putting together a podcast and setting up the appropriate RSS feed is so easy now that WORLD+DOG is doing it. And they’re about the weirdest things! Macrame! How in god’s name can you talk about macrame?

I’m seriously considering hitching my wagon beside WORLD+DOG and doing my own podcast. I have nothing to say, very few interests that anyone else would be interested in, no broadcasting talent whatsoever, so I think that makes me eminently qualified to make one.

I could call it shitecast. Or vapidcast. Or – getting right down to it – maybe just Egocast.

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