Eternal Sonata (360)

51eXCz5JdkL._SS500_.jpgFrederic Chopin lies on his deathbed dreaming his final dream. And for some peculiar reason, he’s dreaming about cutesy Anime characters fighting monsters and trying to save the world from the taxman!

If this is an indication of where RPGs are going, then I’m a very happy bunny. The storytelling is beautiful, as is the presentation. The audio is rich, the voice acting (with the possible exception of the terminally irritating Polka) is spot on, and the combat mechanic is both innovate and solid.

Ok, so I’ve barely done the prelude – I have two seperate parties at the moment, but as both have just decided to head to Castle Forte, I suspect I’m going to have one larger party very soon.

And – hooray! At each major interlude, it unlocks one of Chopin’s piano pieces which can be listened to outwith the game. Not that I don’t already have them on other media, but – well – if it brings his music to a new audience, then that can only be a good thing. Personally, I’m hoping the second movement of Piano Concerto #1 makes an appearance, but I think it may just be unaccompanied works.

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