Worms: Open Warfare 2 (DS)

Open Warfare 2 coverDespite being somewhat disappointed with the horrifically buggy and, frankly, unfinished Open Warfare a year or two ago, the lure of mass invertebrate extermination on a handheld console was reaching fever pitch when I spotted that Open Warfare 2 was getting better reviews. Imagine my discomfort, then, when discovering that it was sitting for a tempting 15 quid in my local GameStation.

So, first thoughts – the interface is excellent – much better than its predecessor. All the usual suspects are there – including the Holy Hand Grenade and Banana Bomb (both of which have, I understand, been inexplicably excluded from the recent Wii release). There’s a comprehensive team editor, including a fairly simple pixel program for editing your team flag. I was horrified to discover, though, that “Angry Scots” wasn’t available as a team language.

Until, that is, I completed the training mission and took the 1300 or so points I’d earned to the unlock shop – yes, Angry Scots is there for a measly 300 points, so JOCKS GET! My team has now been converted to a band of blue-painted rampaging celts. Oh – that they are, as ever, Bague’s Avengers. The teams are limited to four worms, though, so only Bague, Craig, Scabe and Plague are putting in an appearance – Babe, Tabe, Flabe, Mabe are currently languishing in the PC version.

So, I’ve only really done the tutorials so far and the resolution was worrying me a little – going from 1280×800 down to DS size was a bit of a concern. As it happens, it’s not too bad – the double height screen helps a lot so it’s only really a bit more panning that’s required.

Oh, and it has pirates.

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