On Facebook: An Open Letter to Everyone

OK. So, yesterday I received my 13th request from a semi-stranger to join his network on Facebook.

Let me make this as completely clear as I possibly can, to save anyone else from asking.

I do not have a facebook account.

I will never have a facebook account.

I have no interest whatsoever in YOUR facebook account, or the facebook accounts of anyone else you might think you know.

Let me repeat that, just in case the subtler nuances of my points evaded you:

I do not have a facebook account.

I will never have a facebook account.

I have no interest whatsoever in YOUR facebook account, or the facebook accounts of anyone else you might think you know.


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  • Ah, but would you like to join *my* network on Facebook?

    Actually, I have no idea what that even means.

    Also, PC Plus this month suggests that Facebook is actually run by the CIA to collect information on everyone.

  • “I do not have a facebook account.”

    You did

    “I will never have a facebook account.”

    You did, once

    “I have no interest whatsoever in YOUR facebook account, or the facebook accounts of anyone else you might think you know.”

    As above…


  • I might have guessed you two would stick your oars in 🙂

    RedSmartie: Yes – I did. That’s how I know what it is, you silly man 🙂

    deKay: No, I do NOT want to join yours :-p

  • I really don’t actually have an account with Facebook (or any other such site), but I read something a couple of weeks ago (on Lifehacker, I think) that says that you can’t actually close your Facebook account. You can disable it, but not remove it.

  • I’ve had a Facebook account for yonkers and I’ve never had a request to join anything. Maybe I’m just uber unpopular 🙁 😉

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