Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)

Twilight Princess Hi Res Box ArtI did, naturally, play Anno today, but if I blogged every time I picked it up I’d spend 50% of my life blogging and the other 50% playing Anno, so would clearly die of malnutrition. So I’m not going to say anything about it and talk, instead, about Zelda.

So, I’m in the water temple, rushing about, and have managed to get a couple of sluice gates open to add – you know – water to the water temple. I also encountered the mid-level boss, which reminded me all over again of why I love Zelda games. This is what bosses are supposed to be like; tough, but not frustrating, HUGE, and REALLY FUNNY. My middle sprog was joining in with me (i.e. helping my tired old brain to solve the puzzles) and was in hysterics at the ridiculous creature we were fighting.

It’s basically a big frog thing which is stuck to the ceiling. And then it drops you and sets a squillion puffer-fish type things at you. So, a bit of spinny attack and rapid fire arrow shooting later and it was time to stab the boss – IN THE TONGUE. A lot.

And just at the point when the boss was gubbed, it BOAKED! Revealing a chest! So, without further ado, HOOKSHOT GET! (Well, it’s actually called something else, but Nintendo were clearly insane when they wrote it because it’s a HOOKSHOT DAMMIT!).

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