Magical Starsign (DS)

Magical Starsign CoverThere’s no doubt at all in my mind that deKay is going to love this game. I have just, while crossing a bridge, been accosted by a dancing fruit which ran up to me, yelled “A-splode!” and ran off while a huge explosion rocked the screen. Moments later, a gang of around thirty dancing fruits rocketed past me yelling “Aiiieee!”.

Just around the corner was the universe’s most annoying hermit. Who. Only. Spoke. With. One. Or. Two. Words. At. A. Time. Meaning. I. Had. To. Initiate. About. Thirty. Conversations. To. hear. What. He. Had. To. Say. Then the obnoxious git had the cheek to call me persistant.

Anyway, I found a massive gang of dwarves, all named after various sauces, with a habit of repeating each other, who led me to a big hole which we all ran away from for no apparent reason. Then we went back to the city where the entire ensemble cast of the game has turned up to “Help Out” for interpretations of “Help Out” equating to “be really annoying.” Fortunately, king Gorgonzola of the Spiny Moles appeared with a cry of “Forsoothe!” and helpfully dug a regal tunnel into the light queen’s castle, much to the glee of all around.

So, I’m in the castle and it turns out there are actually TWO planets in the heart of the sun and I’m just about to head to the other one to kill the worm.

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