Pokemon Emerald (GBA)


For some reason, Pokemon brings out the obsessive in me. And not just me – my oldest lad has a Pokemon Ruby save with some 300 hours on it. That can’t possibly be healthy. Anyway, I’m telling myself that, although I completed Ruby and Sapphire, I didn’t get more than maybe a quarter of the pokemon that were up for grabs. But I’m going to this time. Oh yes.

Poke1 Pokemon Pokemon-Emerald-2

Emerald, like Crystal, Yellow, etc, is basically a remix of two other games – Ruby and Sapphire. It contains elements of both with a few tweaks here and there. It says a lot for the franchise that it still feels fresh enough for someone like me to spend a stupid amount of time playing it. It’s kinda like ‘Final Fantasy Lite’, but there’s enough depth to the stats engine to make it possible to bluff to your friends that it’s not for kids at all. Which it is. But shoosh.

So, anyway, I started out by choosing a mudkip, got him up to level ten, and then proceeded to catch another five pokemon to give me my starting six. And here they are:

258 263 261

280 278 265

For those who may not know, that’s a Mudkip, a Zigzagoon, a Poochyena, a Ralts, a Wingull and a Wurmple. And they all have cutsie names that I chose myself, but I’m not telling you what they are because they’re personal. And embarressing. Oh, alright then, there’s Bague (of course), Jaggybum, Owf, Spotty, Flappy and Wriggly. So there. So, I guess that’s me ready to head out into the big stupid cutsie world, then.

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