Metroid Zero Mission (Gameboy Advance)

Muhh! Big Green Froggy Dragonny Thing Pwn0r3d! One boss down and it’s yielded a speed boost upgrade. Which is nice. I have a cool 85 missile capacity but only two energy units and I still haven’t found a charge beam. So, before I do much else, it’s exploring I go to try and rake together all the stuff I’ve missed.

3 Hours and 27 Minutes in, so far.

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Metroid Zero Mission (Gameboy Advance)

So, I have two minutes to get things ready before I’m herded off to hospital – what do I take with me? Gameboy Advance, of course – we all know how long hospital visits tend to take. “Aha!” though I, “the perfect opportunity to complete Metroid Fusion!”

Oh no! Little Miss Dotty has deleted the save file :-/ Ah well – could this be a sign? See, I picked up Zero Mission a few months back when it was going for a tenner and it hasn’t been played yet. Rebelstar is still ongoing, but it’s going to get very tedious writing a gaming diary about it cos it’ll take me years to finish…… so here it is! The gaming diary subplot!


Zero Mission is, I believe, a remake of the original NES Metroid (which is unlocked upon completing the game). It’s your standard Metroid fare, you start the game lightly equipped (because it’s the first game, you don’t lose everything) and gain powerups as required through the course of the game. There’s a lot of backtracking required to move between the levels but, as with the other Metroid games, it gets progressively easier as you get more powerful.

Pr-Metroid Zero Mission For Game Boy Advance-Resized200-1 2212 1

There’s the usual array of annoying wee things that scuttle about, big things which annoy you, and stupendously big level bosses. The game mechanics are ace, allowing rapid fire dashing about, leaping and morph balling with a pause. Playing through the 2D originals really impresses upon me the amazing job the Metroid Prime team did moving it into 3D while keeping the game characteristically Metroid.

Anyhoo – I’ve unlocked the first few areas and activated the ceiling trolley thingies. My current task is to get to a blinky red circle at the bottom of the map of Kraid. That’s 2 hours and 38 minutes in, according to the save file. Trouble is, I can’t quite work out how to get there, so I’ve backtracked all the way to the ship to collect previously unreachable missile upgrades and energy units while I have a think about it.

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