Oh for heaven’s sake, just get on with it!

We’re nearly there! We’ve been in a shopping frenzy for the past few days, getting together all the emergency stuff that we need to have to move back in; washing machine, drier, beds, tables, sofas, that kind of thing. Trouble is, we’re hoping to be back into our house in two weeks time but the sofa isn’t due to arrive until January. Those nice people at Harvey’s (Kinnaird Park) said they’d send us out a loaner until our new shiny one arrives. Very nice of them, I thought.

On a more bizarre note, my employer (Dowcarter Ltd) is now my ex-employer. They reckoned that my most vulnerable lowest point was a good time to make me redundant (so the company is now presumably known as “Carter”). A little(?) heartless, I guess, but it actually comes as a bit of a relief. Things haven’t been right there for quite a while, so redundancy gets me out of a stressful situation and gives me a nice long holiday. I’m going to need it too – F-Zero on Gamecube is the best videogame ever (and I’ve played em all).


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