Gaaaaaah shopping

Well, we went off to Comet on Friday, clutching a big wad of vouchers supplied by the insurance company (otherwise we’d have gone somewhere decent). Anyhoo, much wandering about, cogitating, and deliberating later, we order a pile of white goods – fridge, freezer, dishwasher, etc. They’re being delivered on the 4th of November, so things are really moving forward. We’re currently waiting for a giant cheque to clear so we can get on with organising everything from sofas to spoons. Trouble is, most nice sofas have at least a four week delivery time. If we have to spend the first fortnight sitting on beans bags, we will.

We also need to get Harmony a nice birthday present. At the time of her birthday, we had enough dosh to get a little present (which she was very happy with) but we think they all deserve a nice present as well.

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