Settling in – or so you’d think

Well, when I said our temporary accomodation was big, I wasn’t really in full possession of the facts. Having now spent a weekend in it, it’s really too big. I don’t mean big as in “Oh mammy, it’s a big hoose!” either. I mean the kind of big that stomps about in tattered leather leiderhosen, swinging a massive club around its head and bellowing incoherently about claymores and rubber dinghies. It’s too sodding big.

I think the trouble is that there are too many different places for children to hide and – I swear to God – too many different places from which Tristan’s giggling little face can peek out at you. It really is quite disturbing – one minute he’ll be yapping about pokemon to your left and the next he’ll have vanished, gone halfway round the house, and reappeared to your right. You never know where to look for him next. Every time he walks into a room, he seems to come from an entirely new direction.

Heating wise it’s not too bad, but I do have issues with the central heating system. The problem is that it’s noisy as hell. I mean really noisy – at night, it sounds like the Hogwarts potions room on exam day, with all the hissing, bubbling, and farting it does. Please don’t make me chooose between heat and sleep. In the end, sleep won and I switched the bugger off. I am feeling a little delicate at the moment, what with our house spontaneously combusting, and the giggling burbling sounds of Stevenson’s Rocket on acid coming from next door was just too much.

I look forward to getting back to my nice little house.

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