Photies and stuff

We’re getting there, slowly but surely. I’ve put some pictures of the aftermath of the fire and progress of fixing the house online. You can see them on the entry for 30th August. They are pretty scary, but give you an idea what was happening.

We’re settling into our rented house as well as possible – it’s a lovely old victorian town house. I was going to do a spot of writing at a 19th century writing desk last night, but it wouldn’t feel right putting a word processor on it and I’m a bit too shaky for longhand. Shame really, cos I’ve left four characters stranded in the middle of nowhere at the moment.

Poor little Dot is missing her bed – she’s sleeping in with us. We’re going to get a new bed for her at the weekend (as well as a new dolly – she misses her old one). The boys are fine, as ever – they seem to be bombproof, those two.

Anyway, have a squint at the pics.

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