Terrapi has an Adventure

Tristan has this little beany turtle called Terrapi. He’s had it since he was tiny and it’s a very precious toy. Come to think of it, the wee thing has transcended toy and become part of the family.

Well, against our recommendations, Terrapi went to school with Tristan today – it being end of term and all. All went well until about eleven o clock, at which time….. TERRAPI WAS LOST!

Oh no!

This is about as bad as it can get – Terrapi is practically a pet and Tristan was grief stricken.

So, Debbie coordinated a search throughout the school from home. The school building was combed for the missing turtle and NO WAY! Terrapi was found! Hooray!

But we’re not out of the woods yet – the school was about to close and Debbie wouldn’t get there in time – oh no! How are we going to get Terrapi home in time for christmas?

And then – a brainwave! Debbie called the local taxi firm (who now think she’s bonkers) and asked them to make an emergency run to the school, pick up Terrapi, and bring her home. So, thirty minutes later, a very amused looking taxi driver turned up at the house bearing a tiny little Terrapi in his hand. Hooray! Terrapi made it home for christmas.


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