Tag: Silly

Sticky Bits

There’s nothing more alarming than walking down the street minding ones own business only to find oneself caught in the middle of a hole-storm. I huddled in the doorway of a dingy looking greengrocer and shivered as millions of tiny holes hurtled earthward, making little popping noises as they winked out of existence on the

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A Conversation with Dave

Dave: I hate this f*cking place. Me: It’s a hell-hole. Dave: If Buffy came in here she’d turn around and walk straight back out. Me: Faith would get right in there though. Dave: Yeah. She’s…. dirty. Me: …..

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Finding Jesus in my soup

David stared into the bowl of soup where the face of Jesus had materialised and wondered why The Man looked so much like a serial killer. “I mean, if you’re the Son of God you can look like anyone, right?” The face widened its eyes a little, rivulets of Heinz Cream of Tomato streaming to

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Oh! Oh! OH!

OH! Bwaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahaha! *maniacal cackles* *snort* *snort* *snort* *snort* *snort* *snort* *snort* *snort* *snort* *snort* Oh my poor aching sides! 😀

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Another conversation with Mr Daniels

J.Daniels: Cables: I has them! J.Dow: w00t! j00 can has cabols! J.Daniels: I’m wondering if it wouldn’t be less painful to just hang myself with them. they’re quite sturdy. I think they could take it. J.Dow: Go for it. Can I have your netbook? J.Daniels: Over my dead b- oh, wait! ‘m wondering if it wouldn’t be

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A page from my notebook

I do this from time to time. I pick a random page from the notebook I use in meetings and scan over the notes trying to work out what frame of mind I was in. 22nd February, 2009 Tweedle dum and Tweedle dummer Robots of Death! Oh no! We’re all doomed! dibble flibble wibble! Woo!

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“Gardez l’eau!” the leathery little man bellowed, and promptly ejected the unpleasant contents of a small blue bucket from the first floor window. Standing, as I was, directly underneath, I was shocked, stunned, and not a little bemused to find myself suddenley decorated in what had, until very recently, been the contents of a complete

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