Tag: Geeky

Tig Tag

So, I’ve finally got around to adding some tags to the first couple of dozen articles and adding a tag cloud (it’s down there on the right hand side). It occurred to me that, with near enough 2,000 posts, Nelefa.org is kinda outgrowing categories and standard searching, so I thought I might as well get

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Hello World

Programmers are allowed to write a “Hello World” program to learn about a new language, so I’ve made a “Hello World” to learn about a new synth. This was played on a Korg MicroKorg. It’s not Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, just a few notes to get the hang of the tiny keyboard and to try out

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Digital Economy Bill

The Mail: From: John Dow Sent: 18 March 2010 12:09 To: DEVINE, Jim Subject: Don’t rush through extreme internet laws John Dow 34 Random Street Anytown EH54 Dear Mr Devine I’m writing to you today because I’m very worried that the Government is planning to rush the Digital Economy Bill into law without a full

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A Conversation with Dave

Dave: I hate this f*cking place. Me: It’s a hell-hole. Dave: If Buffy came in here she’d turn around and walk straight back out. Me: Faith would get right in there though. Dave: Yeah. She’s…. dirty. Me: …..

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The Holy Grail of .muttrc Colors

Well, folks, it’s taken me a bazillion and eleventy years to finally decide my “killer” Mutt colour scheme, but here it is. Stick this in your .muttrc and bask in the glory. color hdrdefault yellow black color quoted brightred black color signature magenta black color indicator brightwhite red color attachment black green color error red

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A mini-update

For all you ipod / iphone / mobile users out there, I’ve installed a plugin which should make nelefa.org display a little more shinily on handheld devices – thanks to RedSmartie for the heads up.

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The Temple of Bague

It’s back again – my favourite theme for this site. I’ve tried a few others in the past but, really, nelefa.org just looks wrong without the marbled effect and the little relief-bague on it. The change of theme also serves as an excuse to actually post something too – ever since being sucked into the

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Ratings in iTunes

Further to the last post on this subject, I have a new smart playlist. It’s everything with a rating of one or less despite having five or more plays. It’s called “Stuff I really don’t like.” I reckon by the time it has enough material in it to fill a DVD-R, I’m going to start

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Another conversation with Mr Daniels

J.Daniels: Cables: I has them! J.Dow: w00t! j00 can has cabols! J.Daniels: I’m wondering if it wouldn’t be less painful to just hang myself with them. they’re quite sturdy. I think they could take it. J.Dow: Go for it. Can I have your netbook? J.Daniels: Over my dead b- oh, wait! ‘m wondering if it wouldn’t be

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