Monster Hunter Generations (3DS)

Look! I’m not Bague! I’m Chewbury! And I’m a bloke! This is a direct result of the Rath Heart Armour making me look like a cupcake in MH4U. Oh Lordy! It’s a new Monster Hunter game. And I haven’t even reached G-rank on MH4U yet! Well, that’s embarrassing! Anyway, all is not lost! Just like

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British Indian Restaurant style base curry gravy

Hello all. So, I’ve been experimenting a lot with curry cooking the way it’s done in British Indian Restaurants. These dishes have a unique taste and texture of their own, distinct from traditional Indian and Pakistani cooking. I expect this has come about from a requirement to rapidly produce a wide range of dishes in as short

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Indian Restaurant style “Mix Powder”

So, in most of the BIR style curry recipes I make, I use what’s called a “mix powder”. This is just a blend of the spices common to just about every British style curry there is. It’s easy. Just punt the following spices into a jar, shake ’em up, and you have mix powder. 4

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Rye Wit

So, those lovely, lovely gentlemen at Basic Brewing Radio recently produced a recipe for a session Witbier called Rye Wit. It’s basically a low alcohol and low calorie Witbier comprised of 75% wheat malt and 25% rye malt, with the majority of the hop flavour and aroma coming from a late addition of citra. It sounded

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The List of Shame

It’s woefully out of date. I have actually played some things, but I’ve also been evil and added (many) more. I’m going to sit down tonight and update it, then dress in sackcloth and ashes for a month and actually stick to it. 2015 was insane for gaming.

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Robinwood Best Bitter (clone)

So, I’ve finally tracked down what appears to be a fairly accurate reproduction of one of my all-time favourite beers. It was a plain ol’ Best Bitter made by a brewery called Robinwood Brewery. They operated for a fairly brief amount of time, between 1988 and 1994, but produced what I believe is the best

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Fallout 4

Readers of this blog will most likely be aware that this came out 🙂 It’s pretty much the only thing I’ve been playing of late, on account of it being fecking great. There’s been a bit of mud slinging about it (mainly from Kotaku), so I thought I’d mention a few of the gripes along

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State of the Synth

  Updated 19/11/15, on account of these things having a habit of… growing. So, is a handy site. It allows you to populate standard sized cabinets with modules you own or are planning to buy. This is as handy as a handy thing for a number of reasons – mainly because it’ll let you

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Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

So, I have a tradition of creating a female character called “Bague” in Monster Hunter. I’ve been doing it since the PS2 days. I need to stop it. I’ve just spent a LONG TIME farming Pink Rathians to make the Rath Heart armour set. And I look like a cupcake.

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Chilli Con Carne

Nothing complicated here – no weird and wonderful chillies that you need to travel 50 miles to buy. All off the shelf stuff, but tastes amazing and gets better after a couple of days. If you decide to make a huuuuuuuge pot of it, either portion it and freeze it or heat the whole pot

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