Hoshigami Remix (Cover)

Hoshigami CoverThis was a bit of a surprise! I haven’t posted anything on it yet because I’m “only” six hours in and I’m still waiting for all the bad things the review sites moaned about to kick in. Which they haven’t. At all. Thing is, gamespot, eurogamer, all those guys, complained that Hoshigami is a bit rubbish due to being too hard. They then went on to rant about the game’s balance and all kinds of other things.

Personally, I suspect the game was reviewed by either a Final Fantasy Tactics fanboy, or someone who is just rubbish at this type of game. On discovering they’re completely crap at it, they’ve just repeated everything that was said about the PS1 original.

From my own perspecitve – it’s ACE! It’s obviously not as good as FF:TA, but then that’s a kind of high bar to set. But it’s a similar type of game and, in its own way, is just as compelling even though it doesn’t have quite the same scope.

What it does well, though, is give an indication of what FF:TA will be like when it eventually arrives for the DS.

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