Predator – Concrete Jungle (PS2) (Rental)

Oh dear. I didn’t even get through the second training mission. Maybe I’m just getting too old. Too many fecking buttons. Nintendo have it spot on with the Revolution controller. Basically, the tutorial teaches you:

1) Do this to move
2) Unless you want to run, when you do this.
3) You can do this to jump
4) Or this to jump higher
5) Or this to jump sideways
6) Or this to jump diagonally
7) You can strafe by doing this
8) And cartwheel by doing this
9) Then you can hang onto ledges by doing this
10) And you can climb up slowly like this
11) Or flip up quickly like this
12) Or drop down like this
13) You can jump onto walls and cling
14) Or jump off them
15) Or jump off them diagonally.

And that’s just to move about – and I’ve probably missed stuff. The weapons tutorial was just plain stupid. About 6 different types of weapon, all of which work in a completely different way. By far the hardest part of the tutorial, though, is controlling the camera. It’s fecking possessed.

So, half way through tutorial two and I switched it off. Life is just too bloody short for needlessly complicated games. Bearing in mind that I’m a fairly hardcore gamer (I can finish Ikaruga, for starters), you’d think this would be easy. Perhaps it is, but it was just too annoying to persevere. Maybe I’d have tried harder if I’d spent CA$H MUNNY on it.

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