Hello Kitty Roller Rescue (PS2)

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I am weak – I’ve been lusting after this game since its release, and the news that deKay was weak made me cave. And guess what – it’s ACE! For values of ACE which can be interpreted as so cute it will make your eyes explode out of your skull with whimsy.

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The premise is this: you kill cute things by hitting them with your cute wandy things in order to rescue other cute things. In return for these acts of kindness, you can gather coins and unlock new cute clothes and weapons.

IT’S AS ACE AS AN ACE THING. So far, I’ve gubbed red things and blue things as well as yellow periscopy things with ducks feet that burrow under the soil and fire torpedos at you. And I blew up a tank and made the little green cube on the top run away crying. I felt bad. Then I went to a fairground and rescued some trapped animals with the help of a frog. ACEBEST.

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