Final Fantasy, Zelda, Astro Boy, and Metal Slug (GBA)

I’ve been a busy bunny, but I’m going to jam it all into a single post.

Final Fantasy.
Water crystal GET! Rosetta Stone GET! Other stuff GET! I think I’m just about ready to go and gives that Cerberus a good talking to. I also need to find the Dragon King, but I dunno where he is. I’m sure my little flying boat will take me to him.

Legend of Zelda – The Minish Cap.
Had another attempt at the boss battle, using my shiny new Gameboy Micro. Got further than I usually do, but he still gubbed me. It’s much easier than it was with either the DS or the SP – I think it’s cos the micro doesn’t encourage a death-grip.

Astro Boy.
Obviously made by Treasure – this is fantastic. I hurriedly switched it off after it became obvious that a “quick go” wouldn’t be possible.

Metal Slug.
As above. Really fantastic – if you’ve played any other Metal Slug games, you’ll know what to expect on the GBA.

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