Another Code: 2 Memories (Nintendo DS)

Phew, this is a breath of fresh air! Another Code is kinda like a point and click adventure of yesteryear, but with some nice touches due to the DS’s touch screen and microphone. The top screen shows a static view of where you are while the bottom shows a top-down 3D scrolling map (with nice perspective on tall objects) of your surroundings. You can play the game in its entirety (so far, anyway) without using any buttons.

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So far, the story has been quite poignant and well scripted, the graphics are beautiful, the music equally so, and the atmosphere ACE. I’ve had to do some item rotation, rust scraping and button pressing on the touch screen, as well as general wandering about. I have a little camera thing I can take pictures with, and those pictures can be overlayed on the static view to help with some puzzles. Only an hour in at the moment, but really enjoying it – a much more chilled and laid back game than I’ve been playing of late.

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