Episode III Revenge of the Sith (Xbox) – Complet0r4t0rzed

I dunno why everyone slates this game. It’s ACEBEST. Alright, so it’s basically a horizontally scrolling beat-em-up but in 3D, but it’s with LIGHTSABRES and FORCE EVILNESS and tons of unlockable characters.

I suspect my youngest lad is a bit of a jedi ninja though, cos he keeps gubbing me in multiplayer. Anyway, I’m at the point where Anakin has gone all googly-eyed and sarcastic (it seems that sarcasm is a trait of the Dark Side – I wonder if I’ll get Force-Sarcasm mapped onto the black controller button at some point) and has been sent off to the lava place, the name of which currently escapes me, to dispatch the trade federation leaders. Which is nice.

In the main game, you only fight as either anakin or obi-wan, but in the multiplayer versus mode (there’s also a co-op mode) you get to fight as any of the characters you’ve unlocked – including (so far) General Grevious, Count Dooku, Mace Windu, etc. I’m hoping Yoda will be fighting alongside Obi Wan in the next level or two – he would be ace to unlock.

There are also a pile of bonus missions that can be unlocked – rumours are that one of these is old-obi wan and Darth Vader doing old-man fighting on t’Death Star. That would be very cool.

And, two hours later, I discovered there was. It’s ace. But It’s very very short.

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