Resident Evil 4 (GameCube)

Resident Evil 4 Cover Art Gah, episode 3 is creepy. Particularly in the sound department. It’s quite reminiscent of the Cradle in Thief 2, but with a lot more spooky blokes lurching around the place. It’s still staying firmly lodged in my “Best Game Ever” category, though.

I thought the ballistas chucking Big Fiery Balls Of Death, were particularly well done – the hunting rifle works particularly well at that point. The trouble is staying still long enough to draw a bead on them without a dirty great bloke of doom landing on your head.

A note on rocket Launchers. They’re expensive one-shot-wonders – 30,000 Gold for a single shot. Why bother? Well, it certainly helped with the village idiot – I mean village leader, and it’s also very entertaining in the situation hinted at in the screenshot below 🙂

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