The first week

The first week of John’s new job is over now and he is very tired but says he has enjoyed it a great deal. Its been really strange but nice as Ive had some time with Harmony and a couple of hours on my own in the house. The walks up and down the road have been refreshing. I think that the organisation of three kids before 8am has gone well as they havent been late once this week.

Some lovely clothes arrived the other day for me (from and we have picked up a new set of school uniform for the boys (the uniform they have been wearing is showing signs of wear and they still smell a bit smoky).

The washing machine saga continues – apparently if the parts are in then it will be fixed Monday or replaced the same day.

We have relied mainly on friends to keep up with the huge volume of washing that three kids make possible. Looking forward to catching up with it and managing to keep it at a sane level.

I have just ordered a book for the children from amazon called Fire Diary which looks interesting – Ill give it a read first and see if it will help them work through stuff with us.

Well, I best go and get some housework done.

– Debbie.

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