Mmmmmmm cashews…..

Ok, so here’s what you do for the best cashews *ever*. Right, you’ll want some raw cashews (from the baking section of tesco), vegetable oil, some freshly ground black pepper, and some salt.

Beside the cooker, lay out a pan with a sieve over it, and two plates with a couple of sheets of kitchen roll on them. you’ll need to lay them out first cos the cooky bit only takes a few moments.

Get the heaviest pan you can find and heat about an inch of oil on a medium setting. Let it get hot and then chuck in the cashews. The fat will go opaque really quickly. Let the cashews sizzle for a couple of minutes until they turn golden – watch it though, as soon as they go golden you have about ten seconds to get them off the heat before they overcook. Empty the contents of the pan into the sieve so the oil drains into the pan underneath. Shoogle the cashews about for a few seconds to get most of the oil off and then turn them onto the first of the paper lined plates. Grind some pepper over the top of them (to taste) and then do the same with the salt. Tip the seasoned caashews onto the second plate to take off the rest of the oil and then bung em in a bowl. Leave them to cool a wee while, but scoff them while still warm.


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