Is that the rain I hear?

Well, after a fortnight of unseasonably warm weather, we finally had the mother of all thunderstorms last night. And just in time, too – the earth was like dust. Having Scotland bathed in sunshine for two weeks in the middle of April is not natural. My mother and father are just back from a trip to Florida (why??) (I mean why did they go, not why did the come back – obviously) and were waxing lyrical about the ridiculous amount of bland always-the-same sunshine. I couldn’t handle that – I like variety in my weather 🙂

Anyway, this thunderstorm kinda crept up unannounced – it was very strange. One moment it was slightly overcast then there was a bright flash and a cacophonous KERTHWANG! right above the house. Next up, we had three minutes of intense hailstone, followed by a couple of hours of steady downpour. Lovely 🙂 So, everything was wreathed in fog for the last few hours before midnight, and this morning there is a glorious wet glow to everything – just in the nick of time too – the flowers were beginning to look a little worried.

I’ve never understood the desire some people have to live somewhere permanently sunny. I mean, I get sick of it after a few days in summertime. Fortunately, we don’t often get the same weather for more than a few days in a row. It’s been really odd having all this sunshine. Still, it’s over with now so I can get back to forgetting about it and look forward to some more dank, drizzly, and generally dreich weeks ahead. Hooray!

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