Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (3DS)

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate box artIt appears dem monsters need hunting once again. I was a bit suspicious of how this would play, particularly with regards the camera, but as it happens it controls beautifully and doesn’t require The Claw Of Death like the PSP version did.

So, it’s Monster Hunter – you know how it works. There’s Monsters. And you Hunt them. While upgrading and crafting and so on. It’s still got the learning curve we all know and love from the series, but that’s not a bad thing. It’s also very pretty.

What is completely lacking, though, is standalone online multiplayer in the 3DS version. Given the PSP version (Freedom Unite) had it 5+ years ago, this is pretty bloody unforgivable. On the upside, those of us with a Wii-U (I don’t have one) can transfer saves to and fro between the Wii-U version (which DOES have online) and the 3DS. I don’t know what they omitted the non-local multiplayer. Seems a bit stupid. Still, the upside is it’s given me the reason I needed to buy a Wii-U.

Anyway – it’s a diary, so progress. I’m just starting out. Ganked some Jaggia, collecting some mushrooms.

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