Month: February 2010

A Conversation with Dave

Dave: I hate this f*cking place. Me: It’s a hell-hole. Dave: If Buffy came in here she’d turn around and walk straight back out. Me: Faith would get right in there though. Dave: Yeah. She’s…. dirty. Me: …..

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Finding Jesus in my soup

David stared into the bowl of soup where the face of Jesus had materialised and wondered why The Man looked so much like a serial killer. “I mean, if you’re the Son of God you can look like anyone, right?” The face widened its eyes a little, rivulets of Heinz Cream of Tomato streaming to

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Star Trek Online

Ok, so after spending a while playing World Of Walkcraft and watching it effectively kill the MMO, I was surprised at my interest being rekindled by the introduction of an MMO based in the Star Trek universe. So I gave it a go. I’ve only played for a few hours so far, but here’s my

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