Day: 13 August 2008

The Human Race is Doomed

Tonight, my children have effectively demonstrated that the human race are lucky to exist at all. After a two hour session of Og: Unearthed they managed to shake off an over-friendly brachiosaurus by grunting loudly, run away from an elephant they thought was a tyrannosaur, richochet wildly about a thicket of springy bamboo while almost

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The annoying birthday meme

I don’t know what this is supposed to be about, but it’s on Dogwood Tales, Red’s Ramblings, and deKay’s Blog so I’d be a freakish outcast if I didn’t slavishly follow along with it. Look up your birthday in Wikipedia. Pick 4 events, 3 births, 2 deaths, and 1 holiday. July 4th Events 1054 – A supernova is

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