Tag: random


Tags are annoying little things. The trouble is, I always forget to add them when I write a post. As a result, I have a couple of hundred posts that I need to trawl through and retrospectively add tags to. It’s not an interesting thing to do 🙂 You’ll also, no doubt, have noticed many

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I’m a lazy old goat

No, really, I am. Thing is, I moved house (again!) recently. Probably a kind of backwards move, as far as most people would think, because I’ve gone from a lovely old sprawling farmhouse on top of a hill to a tiny little end-terrace in the middle of Livingston. Fact is, I love the tiny little

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A page from my notebook

I do this from time to time. I pick a random page from the notebook I use in meetings and scan over the notes trying to work out what frame of mind I was in. 22nd February, 2009 Tweedle dum and Tweedle dummer Robots of Death! Oh no! We’re all doomed! dibble flibble wibble! Woo!

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