Year: 2009

bye bye beautiful

did you ever hear what I told you? did you ever read what I wrote you? did you ever listen to what we played? did you ever let in what the world said? did we get this far just to feel your hate? did we play to become only pawns in the game? bye bye

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Bit quiet, huh? I guess the reason for that is that there just aren’t enough hours in the day. Too many people to meet up with, too much stuff to do, too much coffee to drink, too many books to read, too much work to keep up with. And there it is.

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Poor is getting a little abandoned these days. With most of my burbling being done on Facebook, there’s little point in posting here unless I have something specific to say. Except for today, of course, when I have absolutely nothing to say but am posting here anyway. Well, I SAY I have nothing to

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Another conversation with Mr Daniels

J.Daniels: Cables: I has them! J.Dow: w00t! j00 can has cabols! J.Daniels: I’m wondering if it wouldn’t be less painful to just hang myself with them. they’re quite sturdy. I think they could take it. J.Dow: Go for it. Can I have your netbook? J.Daniels: Over my dead b- oh, wait! ‘m wondering if it wouldn’t be

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World of Warcraft (in pseudocode)

So I was gabbing with Shen on MSN and the subject of Warcraft came up. As it does. So I thought I’d have a stab of writing it in pseudocode. So here it is. while(1){ if($n00b){ acceptLols(); print(“GIEF GOLD PLX KTHXBAI”); } else { if($pvp){ spawn(); die(); acceptLols(); } else { grindMindlessly( $bodyPart, $mob );

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The Survivors Club

So, this pneumatic blonde practically leaps at me as I walk into the hotel function suite. She’s waving her arms and squealing an introduction in a high-pitched nasal whine. I have to stifle a snigger as she tells me her name is Candy. She’s like a five-foot-nothing self-propelled stereotype, shoehorned into less lycra than the

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A conversation with JD

j.daniels: 15 minute job to move disks and filesystems? That’s impressive. What’s your secret? j.dow: no, fifteen minute job to shut down box, add disks, and bring box back up j.daniels: Ahh. j.dow: the rest of it can be done hot. This is the cunning nature of sysadmins. j.daniels: Sadly, not cunning enough to dodge

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Triad i. Chrissy Dances And the waves lap gently at the sand, pushing it up and pulling it back, undecided on whether they should stay or go but nevertheless forced into constant motion by the irresistible pull of the moon. Chrissy sits and waits on the shoreline for the dashing young man who must surely

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Syncing ratings from iPod back to iTunes

It doesn’t do this, by default, unless you’re syncing your whole music collection automatically. Which is a bit rubbish if, like me, you have an 8Gb iPod Touch and a 60Gb music library. See, what I tend to do, to make sure I actually rotate my music and listen to more than one album (:-))

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Two weeks holiday! And I have my children staying with me for the whole time! Double win! Yay!

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